TMDSRM48USB Hercules برد پردازنده ARM Cortex R4
TMDSRM48USB Hercules برد پردازنده ARM Cortex R4
The RM48 Hercules USB Development Stick is ideal for evaluating the Hercules platform of safety microcontrollers. The USB Stick features an integrated XDS100v2 JTAG emulator, access to several key peripheral pins and is completely powered by a PC’s USB port. The kit also contains a quick start guide, a USB extension cable, a LED flashlight and a software installation DVD that includes Code Composer Studio IDE, HALCoGen, nowFlash, HET IDE, demo software and code examples.
- On Board USB XDS100v2 JTAG Debug
- On Board SCI to PC Serial Communication
- Access to key peripheral pins
- LEDs, Temp Sensor, Light Sensor, and Accelerometer
- CAN Transceiver
What's Included
- RM48L950 USB Stick
- CCStudio v4.x IDE: C/C++ Compiler/Linker/Debugger
- HALCoGen Peripheral Driver Generation Tool
- CCS and nowFlash Flash Programming Tools
- HET IDE/Simulator/Assembler
- GUI Demos with Project/Code Examples
- USB Extension Cable
- Flashlight for light sensor demo
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